So Close! Will you help get us there?!

We are so close to completing our documentary film, From Selma to Stonewall - Are We There Yet? 

We are not there yet, But you can help us get there. 

We say, "Be part of the hope."

Hopelessness is diminished when we find a project that asks for our support and involvement.

We say, "Be part of the Dialogue, conquers the silence of these moments. It is a way of conquering the awful loneliness of this time of verbal and physical violence.

We say, "Help us cross the finish line of this remarkable project."

I am amazed at the human diversity of those who participate in the New York City Marathon. I am more amazed at those who finish hours after most of the participants have finished. Theirs is a persevering persistence that is focused on crossing the finish line, no matter when or what.

Your support of our documentary From Selma to Stonewall - Are We There Yet?  will assist a film and a project that will trump a tendency to view justice as an isolated "silo" endeavor, challenging one form of injustice, without recognizing what

Martin Luther King meant when he said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Thanks for your support!

Gil Caldwell and Marilyn Bennett

Co-Partners in Truth and Progress and, From Selma to Stonewall - Are We There Yet?



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